

Illustration shows a woman with grey hair sitting cross-legged with a circular gynaecological clock in her lap  

Don’t overlook the menopause experiences of women with learning disabilities

Discussions about the menopause are more mainstream but not for everyone

Blurred image of healthcare professionals moving at high speed with a hospital trolley along a corridor, suggesting the time and workload pressures facing emergency department staff

DNACPR tragedy will prey on the consciences of nurses involved, but they are all of us

Patient’s death tells us what we already know, but will it change anything?

A nurse uses a book with pictures to help explain a medical intervention to a person with a learning disability

How to get informed consent right

Experts with lived experience of having a learning disability offer their advice

A nurse stands in front of a line of other nurses, looking happy and confident. Yet nurses often downplay their role

Our professional inferiority complex: why you’re never ‘just’ a nurse

Safety-critical care is what we do, yet some of us can’t resist the urge to downplay

Time for change written in sand on a beach

Is it time to retire the title learning disability nurse?

Changing the name could make it more contemporary and reflect changing times

Images of several human heads in profile symbolising changes – a ladder is propped against one of them and next to it is a small figure representing a nurse with a conversation bubble coming from her mouth

Is the title learning disability nurse still fit for purpose?

Jonathan Beebee asks if the profession needs a new title to reflect changes in practice

Expert advice

A stoma bag is positioned on a patient’s abdomen by gloved hands

Stoma care: tips on how to support patients, dispel myths and banish stigma

Practical advice on nursing care and addressing individuals’ lifestyle concerns

A nurse sitting at a table with a person with learning disabilities and epilepsy going through the Clive Treacey Safety Checklist

Promoting safe care for people with epilepsy and a learning disability and/or autism

Nurses can use the new Clive Treacey Safety Checklist to support service users

A teenage girl lies on her side looking distressed while her mother sits close by holding her hand and puts her other hand on her head to comfort her

What you need to know about caring for children with epilepsy

Support can include peer group activities, school counselling and individual care plans

A healthcare professional carrying out cardiopulmonary resuscitation on a male patient

What you need to know about DNACPR and people with learning disabilities

The facts and rules about this recommendation play a critical role for everyone concerned

Illustration shows woman in bed sleeping happily: adults with learning disabilities face a range of sleep issues affecting quality of life, but there are strategies nurses can share to improve quality of sleep

Tips and actions to improve quality of sleep

Adults with learning disabilities face a range of sleep issues but new strategies can help

Use of restrictive practices: the ethical, legal and practical issues

Practical advice on delivering safe and humane interventions



Will integrated care systems improve support for the most vulnerable?

The new system will replace local commissioning groups

Coming out of lockdown: the route back to normality

People with learning disabilities and/or autism will need support to rebuild their lives

DNACPR notices: learning disability nurses are best-placed advocates for families

CQC report acknowledges vulnerabilities of service users during COVID-19

Mental Health Act reforms: have your say

New law alone will not address unnecessary detentions of people with learning disabilities

COVID-19: will people with learning disabilities fare better in the second wave?

Report reveals service users six times more likely to die than others during the first wave

Image illustrates the online interaction between new nursing students and their lecturer during the first week of term at university

COVID-19: uncertain times highlight the best of learning disability nursing

Nursing students starting university graduate courses face a strange new online world

Your views

Will revising job profiles change how nurses are valued?

Revisions to nursing bands may make little difference without appropriate pay rises


Fitness to practise cases: is the NMC doing enough to tackle the backlog?

We ask our readers if more money will resolve the growing FtP caseload

A nurse appears apprehensive while being questioned by a senior nurse

Can difficult personal circumstances excuse mistakes at work?

We ask our readers if factors outside of work should be considered relevant

Illustration showing healthcare staff in different uniforms, representing different professions, standing on top of piles of coins of varying heights, suggesting pay differences between professions

NHS pay: would a separate pay spine benefit nurses?

We ask our readers if a split from Agenda for Change is the best approach

A year on from NHS industrial action, what has changed for nurses?

After the hard-won pay deal, we ask our readers’ panel how they feel about the dispute now

Dreaded form-filling: would standardisation across all settings make your job easier?

Universal patient documentation and its potential to ease your admin burden


job coaches for adults with disabilities

Job Coaches for Adults with Disabilities: A Practical Guide

Nicky Genders looks at a book focusing on the role of a job coach for people with LD

Moulster and Griffiths

Book review: The Moulster and Griffiths Learning Disability Nursing Model

Michael Brown looks at a book focusing specifically on learning disability nursing models

Girls and Autism

Book review: Girls and Autism: Educational, Family and Personal Perspectives

A new book focusing on girls and women on the autism spectrum

Book review: Vaccines Did Not Cause Rachel’s Autism

Lynne Marsh reviews a book arguing that vaccines save lives and do not cause autism

Childhood obesity

Book review: Childhood Obesity: Causes, Consequences, and Intervention Approaches

Community nursing reference guide on nutrition and childhood obesity


Book review: Census

Novel about a dying man on a road trip with his son who has a learning disability
