
Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.


COVID-19: nurse and doctor marry in ‘surreal’ wedding at their workplace

Couple tie the knot in hospital chapel after wedding plans were scuppered by the pandemic

Petition calling for ‘nurse emoji’ gains thousands of signatures

A nursing emoji is only fair… after all, doctors already have one, says nurse campaigner

Nurses’ pay: your government is out of step with public mood on NHS, RCN tells Johnson

College leaders call on ministers to be honest about nursing salaries

NMC allows suspended nurses to return to practice to shore up COVID-19 effort

Regulator softens sanctions to help employers ease nurse staffing pressures during pandemic

COVID-19 antibody tests to be offered to nurses in England

‘Game changer’ tests will also be available to patients and supplied to devolved nations

Pandemic continues to take its toll on nurses’ mental health – survey

Quarter of staff reported severe depression, but uptake of psychological support remains low

COVID-19: guide for practice nurses redeployed to the community

Outline of competencies developed to help practice nurses taking up new roles during pandemic

Protection demanded for nurses ‘ostracised and abused’ during pandemic worldwide

Fear and ignorance blamed for global attacks against nurses caring for patients with COVID-19

COVID-19: nurse applauded by colleagues as he leaves intensive care unit

Felix Khor salutes ‘incredible care’ of staff after 45 days in ICU

Nurse raises money to buy iPads for hospitals

Fundraising inspired by the comfort of video calls with her father, who died from COVID-19

Scrap immigration health surcharge for nurses, urges RCN

Refusal to drop NHS surcharge ‘undermines the dedicated care of overseas staff’: RCN

COVID-19: hundreds join nurse support sessions online

Nurses coping with stress and pressures access leadership support service during the crisis

COVID-19: health secretary draws fire for refusing to commit to future nurse pay rise

Nursing organisations say wage hike would ‘show who we really value’

Sick pay confusion could drive ill, self-isolating or shielding nurses back to work

RCN calls for clarification on COVID-19 furlough eligibility for independent sector nurses

Daughter of nurse who died in pandemic pours scorn on easing of lockdown rules

Don’t put nurses’ lives at risk of COVID-19, she tells public

NMC announces further extensions to revalidation deadlines

Registrants due to revalidate later in 2020 can request extension due to COVID-19 pandemic

COVID-19: unions’ anger over possible two-year pay freeze for public sector workers

Proposal in leaked Treasury document is ‘the exact opposite of what’s expected and deserved’

Boris Johnson pays tribute to ‘today’s Nightingales’ on International Nurses Day

‘We owe you more than words can say,’ prime minister says in tribute to profession

