
Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.

Grant applications now open: is your career plan in need of some cash support?

RCN Foundation is offering education funds for registrants and nursing students

How to get ready to nurse again after surviving COVID-19

Staff nurse who was seriously ill with coronavirus shares tips for a safe return to work

Vote now to name the nurse who will be our Patient’s Choice award winner

Six shortlisted nurses have all transformed the lives of patients and services users

Campaign aims to coax former nurses back to practice in London

Registrants’ return could cut capital’s high nurse and midwife vacancy rates

Nurses’ child-friendly scrubs appeal for immunisation campaign

Team needs volunteers to make cartoon-style PPE that helps put children at ease

Concerns over PPE for nursing students as universities prepare for new academic year

New guidance advises on risk assessment, PPE and life assurance for clinical placements

Power nap booths help Oxford emergency nurses fend off fatigue and stress

Sleep pods funded by charity allow nurses to ‘decompress’ during and after long shifts

Improve staffing levels to fight COVID-19 in nursing homes, study suggests

US research says nurse staffing may have more impact than greater infection control measures

101-year-old former nursing auxiliary raises more than £20K for the NHS – and counting

Joan Rich aims to walk 102 laps of local park before she turns 102

Nursing degree apprenticeship spending boost falls short, says RCN

More support for three-year nursing degree students ‘the fastest way to get more nurses’

Tributes paid to nurse who died in traffic accident

Victoria Kavanagh excelled in her role with the school health service, say colleagues

COVID-19 undiagnosed in many nurses, study suggests

Mild cases were missed before loss of taste or smell was added to coronavirus symptoms

Lack of support for staff during menopause affects work and career, survey reveals

Menopause affects 90% of women doctors’ working lives according to a BMA survey

COVID-19 effect could deter international nurses from coming to UK, says ICN

Perceptions of safety and financial impact may make UK less attractive to overseas nurses

RCN announces candidates for president and deputy posts

Nurses can vote throughout September in a postal ballot, with the results due on 1 October

Furious nurses say no pay increase after COVID-19 work is ‘kick in the teeth’

Healthcare staff marched on Whitehall to demand a pay rise after risking their lives

Flexible working must become the norm, says NHS People Plan

Long-awaited retention and recruitment plan says NHS must build on change related to COVID-19

Fitness to practise: unions raise concerns over public access to virtual hearings

They warn that recordings from NMC proceedings could be posted on social media

