
From career worries to well-being goals: how I survived COVID-19 shielding

A nurse explains how physical activity and colleague support helped her cope with isolation

If you want to educate the public – ask a nurse

Public health campaigns are a blunt necessity, but nurses have the expertise to help people...

Keeping older patients active: undoing the adverse effects of lockdown

The challenge of addressing deconditioning, that unwelcome by-product of social distancing

Recruitment, retention, feeling valued: what would a fair pay rise mean for you?

Nurses and unions will accept nothing less than a better deal following the COVID-19 crisis

Nurses need support – and a pay rise – before we face the second wave

Enthusiasm for front-line staff must extend beyond the first peak of the COVID-19 pandemic

Obesity in nursing: why fat-shaming helps no one

Thin nurse does not equal better nurse, but obesity is a risk factor we need to address

Nursing after COVID-19: the long-term impact of our high-profile role

Stark images during the pandemic have dispelled old myths and stereotypes about nurses

Wearing a face mask to the shop is a small price to pay to save lives

Preventing further spread of COVID-19 is the least we can do to thank front-line workers

Care homes and COVID-19: the hidden impact of visiting restrictions

Without steps to allow families access, the psychological effect of lockdowns will be immense

Could survivor’s guilt be a lasting impact for patients recovering from COVID-19?

Research nurses say some patients experience anxiety and guilt after discharge

PPE is vital, but gloves are no substitute for hand hygiene

Hand hygiene remains the key to preventing the spread of infection

Demystifying spiritual care: let’s start with what it isn’t

Meeting patients’ spiritual needs is not solely about faith, but finding out what matters

When it comes to social distancing we all need to dance to the same tune

Lockdown rules only work if vulnerable, isolated people truly feel we’re all in it together

Stop saying ‘the band 5’: why referring to colleagues by their pay band has had its day

Hierarchical blindness over nursing roles undervalues staff experience and knowledge

Why the NMC was right to lift some FtP sanctions during the pandemic

Regulator chief defends early reviews of nurse suspensions in response to COVID-19 crisis

Relaxing the NMC’s fitness to practise sanctions has risky implications

Will this COVID-19 related decision affect public confidence in nurses?

Parish Nursing: where spiritual care and community collide

A nurse network providing holistic care to vulnerable and isolated people amid the pandemic

Racism in the NHS is hiding in plain sight – and we can all do something about it

As the world grapples with race inequality, the NHS must confront its complicity

