
Paltry pay award will put lives at risk as it drives nurses out of the NHS

Until we are paid what we deserve, staff retention issues will continue

COVID-19 vaccines: why the richest nations shouldn’t be jumping the queue

Who gets priority worldwide should be based on risk, not nations’ (in)ability to pay

Ageing workforce, or skills and experience the NHS can’t afford to lose?

Retention is a sustainable staff shortage fix – but older nurses need support to stay

Dying from inequality as much as from COVID-19: the reality for deprived communities

Nurses see the impact of poverty in the pandemic, and we must advocate for the disadvantaged

Tax avoidance schemes: how to know if you’ve been targeted

HMRC warns of the hidden costs and penalties for agency nurses and other healthcare workers

Face masks: how nurses can overcome the communication barrier and reassure patients

Compulsory face coverings pose particular challenges when patients are deaf or have dementia

Priority COVID-19 vaccination means all nurses, not just those in the NHS

Front-line staff at care homes, agencies and other private workplaces mustn’t be left behind

‘I know some of you want to run away and not come back – you didn’t sign up for this’

A former AIDS nurse’s message to colleagues on today’s coronavirus front line

Mass traumatisation of nurses makes need to invest in profession more pressing than ever

Pandemic’s pressures likely to force many exhausted nurses to quit

Why hamper retired nurses keen to help the coronavirus vaccine roll-out?

If ever there was a time to cut NHS red tape, it’s now

Nurse shortage: the NHS will be relying on overseas staff for years to come

Burnout nurses can’t wait for students to graduate before they see the benefits

NHS services are running on sheer goodwill and teamwork

COVID-19 has laid bare the depth of the nurse workforce crisis, with staff at tipping point

Let’s face 2021 with courage, creativity – and non-steamy eyewear

COVID-19 has tested nurses, but our ‘can-do’ spirit will see us through the days ahead

Goodbye 2020 – the ‘year of the nurse’ that COVID-19 created

It hasn't been the year expected

COVID-19 and abuse of staff: how we’re handling aggression towards nurses

Visiting restrictions have provoked aggressive behaviour from some members of the public

Patient suicide: why nurses need colleagues’ support to grieve

The suicide of a patient can have a devastating effect and provoke feelings of failure

We’ve given our all in the COVID-19 response – but it’s not over yet

As the vaccination programme gets underway, nurses step up again

Living with diabetes: two weeks in my patients’ shoes improved my understanding

How a nurse specialist gained greater insight into self-management of a long-term condition

