
Misplaced perceptions of stammering – and how to improve communication

Pity and impatience are unhelpful. Here’s what nurses need to know instead

Imposter syndrome: why do nurses get stuck in its grip?

Self-doubt can grow under pressure, especially when there’s a lack of professional support

Mental health sick leave: why NHS employers need to be more explicit about supporting us

With sickness absence rising, organisations should show they value nurses’ well-being

Empathy and diversity: why warmth and connection are key to reducing inequalities

Bias in healthcare harms outcomes, so seeing the ‘whole person’ can be transformative

Letby case: families like ours are haunted by ‘what might have been’

Nurse describes the lasting impact of knowing her grandson was in harm’s way

Ward managers: without supernumerary status, where’s the time to lead?

Leadership takes time, so these role models should not be counted in nurse staffing numbers

Critical care nursing: what will it take to boost numbers and morale?

Why retention must be the first step on a rocky road ahead post-COVID-19

Staff reinforcements would be a valuable shot in the arm for routine vaccination uptake

Drafting in nursing students and retired nurses would boost access to appointments

Infection prevention: why use of plastic gloves should not be our go-to solution

Often used inappropriately, gloves are no substitute for evidence-based hand hygiene

Why NEWS2 scores are not enough to spot a deteriorating patient

Early warning scores are only part of the armoury against preventable deaths

Convenient and affordable accommodation for NHS nurses is a welcome blast from my past

Trust’s offer of housing near the hospital is a step back in time that feels like progress

Why any move to cut clinical placement hours would be bad for students and patients

Curtailing undergraduate education is not a solution to the nurse staffing crisis

Student loans: will repayment changes deter future nurses?

Making ends meet is about to get tougher for nursing students

Older nurses: do the demands of the job justify more support?

Why it’s worth considering the physical, mental and – for some – tech challenges they face

Why should you have to jump through hoops to prove your competence in a new workplace?

Skills passports would safe and seamless moves between employers and care settings

Does your handover room make staff – old and new – feel welcome?

Negative energy in the handover room can be demoralising for all staff members

U-turn ahead: how the progress of the nursing associate role has quashed my inner cynic

An affordable path into nursing that gives students vital experience is hard not to like

When it’s hard to stay kind: how to get back in touch with your caring values

Every team member can help create a culture of compassion so we learn from our mistakes

