
Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.

RCN general secretary calls for action on staffing

In her first address as RCN chief executive and general secretary, Janet Davies warned...

Nurses 'will need to help country heal' following EU referendum...

First debate at RCN congress tackles the impact the referendum decision will have on nursing

Healthcare leaders urge David Cameron to ditch plans to scrap nursing bursary

Heads of 20 major health organisations pen open letter to prime minister

School nurse investment key to tackling child mental health crisis – RCN

Survey reveals school nurses are weighed down by workload

Welsh politician given honorary RCN fellowship

Kirsty Williams recognised for work on nurse staff numbers

Congress urged to 'fight for nursing'...

RCN president Cecilia Anim issues rallying call to members

Nurses call for more training on sickle cell disease

RCN congress hears that more training is needed to care for people with sickle cell disease

NHS unable to meet demand, warn thousands of nurses

RCN survey shows financial squeeze and staff shortages put huge pressure on nursing staff

NHS can't cope, nurses tell congress...

10,000-strong RCN poll reveals nurses fears that financial pressures are crippling the...

Nurses take lead on improving paediatric services at troubled trust

External review reveals 'serious concerns' and changes needed at Walsall Healthcare NHS...

Axing government nurse advisers will be 'disastrous'...

Source says government will seek advice from the very organisations it should be monitoring

NHS' 'hierarchy of colour' exposed by BME midwives' dismissal...

Midwives from BME backgrounds are more likely to face disciplinaries and receive harsher...

Seven-day GP surgery pilot leads to fall in A&E visits

Fewer older people visit A&E as government trial seven-day GP surgery service

Government cuts threaten smoking services for pregnant mothers

Parts of England with high rates of smoking and deprivation could be adversely affected by...

Review into UK ban on gay men giving blood

Campaign groups say stopping gay men who have had sex in the past 12 months from donating...

Shadow health secretary praises work of neonatal unit

Labour MP Heidi Alexander's visit arranged by baby charity Bliss after report raises infant...

Senior nurse faces allegations of fixing A&E waiting times

Misconduct hearing for associate director accused of falsifying records

Staffing shortage could lead to children's ward closure ...

Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust actively trying to recruit skilled nurses...

