
Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.

Fight for pay and conditions needs ‘noisy nurses’

Congress backs resolution that RCN Council work with employers to ensure pay review body’s...

Raise awareness of sickle cell disease, nurses told

All nurses need to be aware of the issues around sickle cell disease so that they can ensure...

Agency nurses deserve support and respect, nurses told

Delegates at RCN congress heard that agency nurses make a big contribution and should not be...

Row mars unveiling of Mary Seacole statue

Florence Nightingale supporters claim the Mary Seacole statue should not be outside St...

Every nurse should be an e-nurse

RCN votes to promote vision of a digital nursing future

Call to abolish 'relic' of 1967 Abortion Act

Nurses dismiss British abortion law as ‘Victorian’ and ‘widely out of step’

Cautious welcome for Sturgeon staffing and bursary pledge

Resources needed to make safe staffing a reality says RCN's Fyffe

Children should be taught CPR to save lives

Showing children how to administer CPR 'will save time, money and lives' - congress

Sturgeon: Scotland will keep bursaries

Two standing ovations for Scottish first minister Nicola Sturgeon as she pledges to retain...

Congress supports push for safe staffing laws

Long debate ends with decision to push UK governments to follow example set by Wales

RCN members call for mandatory training on domestic abuse

All health care workers should receive training, delegates at congress agree

Nurses warn of impact of public health cuts

Frontline survey reveals patients living in poverty as budget cuts increase pressure on...

Celebration of RCN centenary recorded by nurse poet

Molly Case reflects on 100 years of the royal college

Mental health of children 'needs investment'

UK governments must act, RCN congress told

Drugs act 'is not working', congress told...

Current policies mean 'vulnerable people miss out on help', says student

Sturgeon to promise mandatory nurse staffing levels in Scotland

Scotland's first minister Nicola Sturgeon will tell RCN congress that workforce planning...

RCN congress unanimous on 'appalling' bursary decision...

Members call for government to work with royal college on other options for student funding

