Career advice

How can I advance as a nursing associate?

Make the most of career opportunities whether you aspire to nurse registration or not

Innovations that improve patient care and experience: how to make your vision work

Nurses who turned inspiration into real-world improvements share their tips for success

Midlife financial review: do I need one, and how do I do it?

Tips for nurses on NHS pensions, planning for future need and seeking financial advice

Safe staffing: how to report concerns, whatever your role or seniority

A practical guide to using ‘red flags’ to raise staffing gaps

Job interview tips: how to answer those ‘tricky’ questions

Steps you can take to prepare and talk with confidence about your skills and achievements

I’m a learning disability nurse – what are my career options?

The role can take you down exciting and challenging paths working with people of all ages

CPD: what activities count for revalidation?

It doesn’t just mean training courses – find out what else counts for your CPD hours

Mental health support: what can well-being advisers bring to your workplace?

Self-care advice and support in the workplace makes sense for morale and retention

Narrative coaching for nurses and how it can help your career

Creating a narrative can be an invaluable tool. Find out more at Nursing Live

What is a Freedom to Speak Up guardian and how do I become one?

Those in the role provide crucial support for clinicians who raise concerns

I’m new to the role of practice supervisor for students – what do I need to know?

Find out the qualities and skills you need – and how role can enhance your own practice

What is imposter syndrome – and what can you do about it?

Imposter syndrome can erode self-confidence, but there are ways to defuse its negativity

How to be a high-earner: tips on reaching the height of your earning powers

Achieve your full income potential, whether in the NHS or independent sector

What to do when your new job is not the right fit

A former RCN Nurse of the Year on roles that don’t meet expectations – and when to walk away

Band 6 role interviews: what questions should you expect?

Be ready to discuss your ability to lead and manage people and projects, and other skills

From clinical practice to nurse academia: my first six months in a new role

Tips on applying for roles, banishing imposter syndrome, and facing a roomful of students

How to survive your first year as a newly registered nurse

The tips and support that can help recent graduates avoid ‘transition shock’

What if I don’t want promotion? How to make the most of your band 5 role

With high levels of patient contact and a range of opportunities, band 5 has its benefits
