
Career advice

Illustration showing several nurses in uniform, seen from behind, walking along a winding pathway towards the words ‘nmc SIFE pathway’, with two large hands supporting them

Help for overseas nurses struggling to get on the register

How a new pathway has helped hundreds who narrowly failed their English language tests

A typical day’s work as a forensic nurse examiner

What’s involved in this demanding role, and the skills and compassion required

Illustration showing a figure standing at the top of a peak highlighted against a golden sky and holding up a target with an arrow through the centre, suggesting reaching a goal

How to stay focused on your career goals and reach the next step

A guide to setting SMART goals, staying on track and finding a coach or mentor

Woman smiles as she makes notes in front of her laptop while working at home – doctoral research is a time commitment and work-life balance challenge

So you’re thinking of doing a PhD? Here’s what you need to know

A doctorate can boost your nursing career – find out how to step up to the challenge

CPD: what activities count for revalidation?

It doesn’t just mean training courses – find out what else counts for your CPD hours


Narrative coaching for nurses and how it can help your career

Creating a narrative can be an invaluable tool. Find out more at Nursing Live

My job

Clinical staff in a prison hospital setting. They are working in a dark corridor,

From emergency decisions to primary care – what my prison nurse role involves

A newly registered nurse on what drew her to the role and what she’s learned so far

A man sitting in a home office talking on a phone, while looking at patient notes, as with an occupational health nurse working from home

Work-life balance: what I’ve gained in an occupational health role

It can offer more flexibility than ward or community jobs. Find out what’s involved

Image shows a nurse walking along a winding path in the direction of an arrow pointing to ‘ACP’. The path is flanked by other clinicians

A day in the life of an advanced clinical practitioner

An ACP has advice on how to make the move into advanced practice

How I became the UK’s first Filipino chief nurse – and learnings from my journey

Oliver Soriano describes how he has dealt with the highs and challenges along the way

What do clinical academic nurses do and would this dual role suit me?

How to use clinical experience to develop the evidence base that underpins patient care

From burnout to a top job in nursing research: what I’ve learned

Senior nurse researcher Jill Maben shares her tips for a move into research