
Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.


Sick pay confusion could drive ill, self-isolating or shielding nurses back to work

RCN calls for clarification on COVID-19 furlough eligibility for independent sector nurses

Daughter of nurse who died in pandemic pours scorn on easing of lockdown rules

Don’t put nurses’ lives at risk of COVID-19, she tells public

NMC announces further extensions to revalidation deadlines

Registrants due to revalidate later in 2020 can request extension due to COVID-19 pandemic

COVID-19: unions’ anger over possible two-year pay freeze for public sector workers

Proposal in leaked Treasury document is ‘the exact opposite of what’s expected and deserved’

Boris Johnson pays tribute to ‘today’s Nightingales’ on International Nurses Day

‘We owe you more than words can say,’ prime minister says in tribute to profession

COVID-19: charity launches appeal to help shielded children stay at home

More equipment needed to help Roald Dahl nurses care for vulnerable children

Actors urge public to show their gratitude on International Nurses Day

They can buy a white e-rose and shine a light on what is also Florence Nightingale’s birthday

PTSD levels among nurses deemed a ‘growing concern’

Study urges better understanding and measurement of post-traumatic stress disorder

Plea to help stranded Filipino nurses unable to fly back to UK during COVID-19 pandemic

Many of the UK registrants face losing their homes because they cannot get back to work

COVID-19 and inflammation in children: professor urges caution over possible link

Atypical Kawasaki shock syndrome may have various causes – infectious disease expert

COVID-19: call for social distancing in emergency departments

Royal College of Emergency Medicine says move would help to prevent avoidable deaths

‘No PPE masks left for care homes or homecare staff’

Sector operators unable to compete with the NHS to procure face masks, care home owner claims

Inadequate PPE: RCN receives more than 100 calls from nurses refusing to treat patients

Nurses seek advice after refusing to treat patients

COVID-19: community hospital for recovering patients named after Mary Seacole

Naming of NHS Seacole Centre in Surrey pays tribute to BAME staff on the front line

COVID-19: nurses report feeling guilt over decisions related to pandemic

Mental health charity says staff are feeling the pressure over choices at work and at home

Assess BAME healthcare staff for COVID-19 risk, NHS England tells trusts

Employers urged to take action to protect black and Asian nurses, amid health fears

Nurses who raised concerns about lack of PPE targeted by online trolls

Some nurses report vicious, and often misogynist, online abuse

COVID-19: nurses remembered in minute’s silence

People around the UK stopped to pay tribute to NHS staff and key workers

