
Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.

Award-winning app slashes nursing student dropout rate

University’s scheme helps tutors identify placement issues at an early stage

‘Ministers must scrap cruel healthcare surcharge overseas nurses are forced to pay’

RCN urges next UK government to promise an end to the immigration health surcharge for nurses

Perceptions of nursing: survey paints ‘reductive picture of what the job entails’

Three in five respondents would not consider a career in profession

Emergency waiting times: official figures grossly underestimate reality – college

Truth about ED delays is masked by NHS England’s counting method, claims RCEM

Norovirus: stricken nurses urged to stay at home until 48 hours after symptoms pass

Winter vomiting bug causes spike in NHS bed closures as hospitals work to contain its spread

Bed-blocking cost the NHS £587m since last election, charity warns

Age UK blames lack of social care and calls on next government to increase funding

Parties’ migration policies could worsen dire nurse shortages, think tank warns

Nuffield Trust says figures highlight reliance on health and social care staff born outside...

Health visitor numbers lowest ever, says Labour Party

Analysis of NHS data reveals decline in health visitor numbers in England

School nurse wins Cavell Star Award for modernising service

Health and well-being service praised for being innovative and responsive

Nurses begin industrial action over NHS pay in Northern Ireland

RCN members work to rule, but their protest is scheduled to escalate to full strike

Nursing associates could fill nurse vacancies in England, leaked document suggests

Text from forthcoming NHS People Plan reveals strategy to recruit 10,000 nursing associates

Nursing student numbers in England still ‘nowhere near’ level required – RCN

UCAS figures show rise since last year, but college calls for more investment

Nurses challenge Boris Johnson as he uses hospital visit to campaign for votes

Staff at West Cornwall Hospital grill prime minister on financial hardship and nurse numbers

NHS relying more on support staff to cope with nurse shortage, report says

Health Foundation says HCAs and nursing associates are filling recruitment gaps

Undervalued, unsupported and stressed: why 1 in 3 nurses is looking for a new job

RCN employment survey finds pressures and lack of management support are often to blame

Naps during your breaks: could it make long shifts safer?

Trust encourages nurses to treat breaks as critical rest time, particularly on night shifts

‘Trust failed to protect me from racist attack, even though it knew the risk’

Nurse Colleridge Bessong accuses Pennine Care Trust over service user’s violent assault

Tories’ election pledge to boost NHS nurse workforce puts emphasis on retention

Conservatives have resisted calls to reinstate the nursing student bursary

