Practice question

How can I make activity for residents meaningful in my care home?

Activities are not always seen as integral in a person's overall care and are often arranged...

How can I help older people in hospital get home sooner and prevent deconditioning?

What staff can do to help patients get home quicker and prevent deconditioning

Practice question: how can I raise the subject of advance care planning?

How can I broach the subject of advance care planning with families, when the person with...

What approach should I take if I think an older person is lonely?

Nurses need the knowledge and skills to identify older people who are lonely so they can...

Practice question: music in care homes

How can I set up a musical group for residents in my care home?

Why is oral hygiene important to older people’s health?

Research shows poor oral health in older people can cause a range of health problems

Advance care planning

Advance care planning

Practice question: How can I involve carers and families in the care of their loved...

Relatives and informal carers experience difficulties when seeking to engage and collaborate...

Practice question: How can I care for older people in a more human way?

We all want to provide efficient and effective care for older people, but sometimes we focus...

Practice question: When should I use one-to-one nursing for a patient with dementia or...

A hospital admission can be bewildering for people with dementia or delirium. Staff can have...

Practice question: When do I need to consider requesting a Deprivation of Liberty...

Situations often arise in care settings, particularly those that support older adults, when...

How can I comfort patients with dementia who are distressed?

What are twiddlemuffs is a question I have been asked many times in the months since we...

Practice question

Concordance concerns the ability of a person to take medication as prescribed. Whether the...

