Expert advice

Epilepsy and sudden unexpected death in children: what nurses need to know about SUDEP

Up to 80% of epilepsy-related deaths could be avoided with improved access to services

Find the right words: how to support colleagues’ English language competence

Verbal and written skills are safety-critical, so staff from overseas may need support

Vapes and e-cigarettes: the risks and benefits, and how to advise patients

While vaping can be used as a smoking cessation aid, not all e-liquids are alike

Giving first aid outside the workplace: what are your responsibilities?

The legal and moral requirements for off duty staff and what the NMC says

Do I have the right to refuse to care for a patient without risking my NMC registration?

Here’s what you need to know about when refusal to treat can and cannot be justified

Tick-borne encephalitis virus: what you need to know as summer approaches

A handful of cases of this potentially fatal new infection have been detected in the UK

Is ‘nurse’ title finally about to be protected in law?

A review may lead to regulation of the title, a move seen as important for patient safety

Sickness absence and how your employer keeps tabs on your attendance

Can HR monitoring tool spot the difference between a duvet day and genuine incapacity?

How to cope with hay fever symptoms when you’re at work

Symptoms can be debilitating so it’s best to be prepared for pollen season

Bank holidays: what are nurses’ rights on pay and leave on public holidays?

With May having a bumper haul of bank holidays, find out whether you can take the days off

Pay dispute: what are the next steps and key dates for April and beyond?

Find out what happens now the pay offer in England has been rejected

Infection prevention and control: how to banish bad habits and sustain best practice

Why ways to reduce complacency are as important to IPC as effective hygiene

All you need to know about diagnosis and treatment of asthma and COPD

Tips and advice on achieving gold standard care for the UK’s two most common lung diseases

What happens if nurses reject the pay offer? Your questions answered

We look at the implications of a no vote, and the potential for a return to the picket line

How the children and young people’s SACT passport could benefit nurse and patient alike

Staff who administer systemic anti-cancer therapy can work across trusts with this training

NHS national uniform will soon be sewn up – so will the new scrubs make your job easier?

Workwear has been designed with staff input, and (spoiler alert) we hope you like blue

Duty of care: the legal, ethical and professional points to consider

What duty of care means for you, whether at work, off-duty or on strike

Breaks during and between shifts: what are your rights?

How to ensure you get the time out you need, even when pressures are high

