
Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.

Protection ‘top priority' when fabricated child illness suspected...

School nurse conference told authorities often focus on the reasons parents fake illness in...

Warning over school nurse numbers

RCN highlights that the number of school nursing post has fallen by 13% since 2010

Funding to curb use of police cells as place of safety for mental health crises...

The first wave of funding for a £15 million programme to prevent police cells being used as...

Nurses' sickness absence rates almost four times higher than doctors

New sickness absence rates show nurses have one of the highest sickness absence rates across...

£5 million fund to improve support for mental health support for new and expectant...

A £5million fund for perinatal mental health services has been announced as the first step...

Scrapping student bursary risks future mental health nursing workforce, report warns

Plans to scrap student bursaries risk worsening a recruitment crisis in mental health...

First two regional chief nurses appointed by NHS Improvement and NHS England

Two senior nurses have been appointed to unite the work of the clinical commissioning group...

Suicide and mental health

'Lack of contact' with mental health services for people who take their own life

Exercise 'helps people with schizophrenia'

Running on a treadmill 'can improve brain function'

Practice nurses and other primary care workers ‘worrying’ stress levels, poll finds

Nearly nine in ten practice nurses, GPs and other primary care workers find their work life...

Nurses ‘falling asleep at the wheel’ after gruelling shifts

Nurses have laid bare the dangers of driving home after long shifts.

Scottish students race to get last remaining nursing places north of the border

A small number of places on nursing degrees in Scotland are still available through clearing.

Improve care for prisoners with dementia, RCN urges

The RCN has called for improved care for prisoners with dementia after a watchdog revealed...

Maternity clinic for survivors of rape and sexual assault opens

A maternity clinic for survivors of rape has opened its doors at the Royal London Hospital.

MPs launch inquiry into suicide prevention

Commons health select committee seeks opinions on services in England

Assaults on healthcare staff

300,000 assaulted in past five years

£12 million funding boost for mental health assessments in custody

Funding will expand liaison and diversion services in England

Sepsis 'as urgent as a heart attack', says NICE guidelines...

New NICE guideline urges nurses and other healthcare staff to be vigilant of early symptoms

