
Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.

Sexism plays a part in pay talks, says Pat Cullen in TV fly-on-the-wall documentary

Nursing is treated differently in ‘bullyish’ talks because it’s 90% female, says RCN chief

NHS and social care sector risk collapse if ministers fail to address nurse shortage

Nursing leader issues grave warning as government’s NHS workforce plan continues to stall

Students slam ‘nightmarish’ plan to chop six months off nursing degrees

Bid to plug staffing gap with fast-track training could backfire, say overstretched students

Nurses to get new NHS pay award from today – but strikes continue

Eligible staff get 5% pay rise, while nurse members of Unite take to the picket line

Rise in NHS nurse numbers fails to dent huge vacancy list

A staffing emergency remains with over 40,000 nursing posts still unfilled in England

Thousands of nurses could miss out on NHS pay award

Many nurses in outsourced NHS services may find their employers cannot afford the pay rise

Calls to end ‘backdoor’ nurse recruitment deals with red-list countries

UK should ‘move towards self-sufficiency’ says International Council of Nurses CEO

Plan to chop six months off nursing degree sparks criticism

Making students qualify in just 30 months could mean inferior education, say critics

Boost in mental health nurse numbers should be urgent concern for government – report

Delayed NHS workforce plan needs to treat mental health nursing as key priority

Barclay rules out improved pay offer for nurses after latest talks

Despite new meeting with RCN’s Pat Cullen, health secretary sticks to previous ‘final’ offer

Don’t treat us like numbers: why covering in unfamiliar settings comes with risk

Having transferrable skills doesn’t mean we’re all interchangeable, insist nurses

NHS pay offer imposed on staff as union insists only ‘meaningful’ talks can stop strikes

Most health unions accept 5%, but RCN holds out for offer ‘matching nurses’ value’

Lucy Letby: neonatal ward was ‘dirty’ and had raw sewage in sinks

Nurse accused of murdering seven babies claims unit was ‘potentially’ unsafe environment

Wish you were here? Health board targets tourists to help fill nurse vacancies

The campaign comes after a ward at Tywyn Hospital was closed due to staff shortages

Book your Nursing Live tickets now – they’re free, and it’s fabulous!

Enjoy live entertainment, well-being activities and fantastic learning opportunities too

Rise in overseas nurse recruits – but premature leavers cause concern

Latest NMC register data give ‘clear warnings about workplace pressures’, says regulator

Nurse suspended after claiming she was ‘too old’ to resuscitate critically ill resident

Maria Kasmai has been suspended for 12 months after failing to attempt resuscitation

MPs refuse to dilute anti-strike bill that could see nurses sacked

Attempts to change bill that could mean key workers risk dismissal are rejected in Commons

