Stephanie Jones-Berry

A pound coin showing a map of all four nations of the UK highlighted in different colours, alongside the Republic of Ireland

How 2024-25 pay offers will vary, depending on where you live

The factors involved in differences across the UK – and what they mean for your pay packet

Some £1 coins spread on a document with the word pension printed under the heading payments

What every nurse in the NHS needs to know about the pension scheme overhaul

How you might be affected – plus a warning to anyone thinking of opting out

A nurse standing at a computer in a darkened room during a night shift, her face highlighted by the glow of the screen

Shift work and nurse well-being: how to combat the health risks

Tips on sleep routines and the breaks you need to cope on nights and long shifts

Michelle Cox talking at Nursing Live 2023 pictured alongside other speakers on the panel discussion

Nursing Live: Michelle Cox talks of psychological toll of ‘career defining’ racism case

The former senior nurse called for greater progress on tackling racism in the NHS

What irritates you most about nursing? The 5 most common gripes

Your daily frustrations, from IT issues to lack of food on shift and no time for training

Open access
Your Opinion Matters

Workplace issues: take part in Nursing Standard’s survey

Share your experiences, including mentorship and whether you’ve ever faced harassment

Calling in sick: do fear and guilt stop you from taking time off when you’re ill?

Advice if you are worried about sickness policies, or leaving colleagues in the lurch


How good is your PPE provision? And how do you feel about vaccinations? Share your views

Complete our short survey on nurses’ experiences now we are ‘living with COVID-19’

Bowel cancer care: a day in the life of colorectal oncology nursing teams

The highs and lows of the roles as COVID pressures continue and teams tackle the backlog

Nurses, healthcare assistants and other nursing professionals from across the UK who have died during the COVID-19 pandemi

COVID-19: remembering the nursing staff who have lost their lives

Colleagues and families pay tribute to nursing professionals who have died across the UK

Patient deterioration: combining skills, knowledge and gut feeling in decision-making

Experienced nurses share what they have learned about managing acutely ill patients

Quitting before they qualify: what’s behind the spike in nursing students dropping out?

The pressures pushing nursing undergraduates to leave their degrees early

NHS pay rise: what you need to know and what happens next

Quick guide to the 2021-22 pay round – wherever you are in the UK

How Magnet hospitals can promote nurse leadership and improve staff well-being

The scheme being tested in England aims to attract and retain nurses

Racism in the NHS: why nurses say structural discrimination is not a thing of the past

Prejudice remains alive and well, insist black and minority ethnic nurses’ groups

Student attrition: why do nursing students leave their course before completion?

Call for strategy to get to grips with reasons for leaving and help tackle nurse vacancies

2020 – a year like no other for the world in general and nurses in particular

Nurses reflect on how COVID-19 has changed what they do, and how they can shape the future

What shifts do you prefer to work?

Nurses, healthcare assistants and nursing associates asked to share their views in our survey
